We provide our clients with strategic legal advice for the establishment and customizing, as well as the maintenance, of their business structure. We also assist our clients in establishing their operations. 

We deal with many complex issues such as conflicts with shareholders or in the preparation of specific transactions. We often act as a sounding board for strategic decisions, advising about decision-making or business strategy and its implementation. We also act as an advisor regarding any impending conflicts and look to find workable, strategic solutions.

In conflict situations, we assist our clients in reaching a settlement. We have extensive experience in mediation and other ADR methods.

What ADF group do

Board Services

We help CEOs and boards strengthen their collaboration to enable more dynamic, effective leadership and guidance. 

Regulatory Strategy

We help our clients to manage risk and unlock value by engaging effectively with governments, regulators, and other external stakeholders. 

Growth & Innovation

We help to identify, accelerate, organize and mobilise large organizations for outsized growth. 

How we can help

Identifying and Capturing Growth Opportunities

We help clients identify potential growth themes by using our proprietary growth-scanning solutions. 

Market Analysis and Insights

Our exposure to numerous markets adds value to the advice we are able to give.

Shifting Mindset to Drive Performance

We have helped many clients to create new breakthrough portfolios and our team have had varied experiences in new areas of innovation that are currently under development.